I’ve used manual shavers and cheaper versions of electronic ones for some time, and I found that electronic shavers are often times overpriced. I tried the Panasonic Arc 5 ES-LV65-S due to its specs and advertised capabilities and quickly found that it was well worth the price. It certainly does what some of the more expensive competitors do, so I felt like I got a bargain for how excellent of a shaver it ended up being. Panasonic Arc 5 is the ... Xem chi tiết
Remington F5-5800 Reviews: Is It Worth It?
Remington F5-5800 is one of the top quality Remington shavers you can find today. I’ve spent a lot of time reviewing high-end electric shavers. While these are, no doubt, better than their less expensive brothers. They’ve got bills to pay. They’ve got kids. They’ve got a lot of hobbies. I get that. Not everyone is as crazy about shaving as I am. For most people, it’s just another everyday task. You guys want something that works and don’t ... Xem chi tiết
Panasonic ES-LV95-S Arc 5 Review: The Smart Choice
After trying the Panasonic Arc 4, I was dying to try out Panasonic’s latest and greatest beard trimmer. In particular, I was eager to test drive the new Arc 5 head. The Panasonic Arc 5 ES-LV95-S is a higher-quality electric shaver that brings a lot to the table in terms of function and performance. So I placed an order with everyone’s favorite online retailer and waited patiently for my package to arrive. When it came, the first thing that ... Xem chi tiết
Braun Series 9 9095cc Electric Shaver Review
For many years I used regular cheap razors to shave my beard. Though part of me wanted to get a good electric shaver, there were too many options and I could never justify the price. Not on something for myself, anyway. For my last birthday, I was surprised when my father gave me the Braun Series 9 9095cc. Braun Series 9095cc is the new intelligent electric shaver that adapts perfectly to the face. It took a bit of getting used to, but ... Xem chi tiết
Panasonic Arc 4 ES-LA93-K Electric Shaver Reviews
People have been asking me about the Panasonic Arc 4 for a while now. While I’ve used other Panasonic shavers in the past, it’s been a while. Overall, I’ve been happy with my Braun shavers, and haven’t seen any reason to switch brands. That changed a few weeks ago when a friend of mine got two shavers for Christmas and offered to sell me one for cheap. I took him up on his offer and brought my new baby home. Since I love doing this stuff, I ... Xem chi tiết
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